Myths and Facts About Vaccine

Vaccination – a classic example of “prevention is better than cure”. The world has been hooping around the term “vaccination”, and whether they should get them or not. According to UNICEF, an average of 3 million deaths every year are caused due to averting vaccination. It was duly reported that about 13 million children did not receive vaccinations for any diseases and about 20 million children below the age of one year did not receive vaccination against measles, polio, and other preventable diseases. While there is hype in the media about the COVID-19 vaccination, there exist a huge number of people denying vaccinations based on mere myths. So let us shine some light on the myths and facts about vaccination.


Myth: Vaccines contain harmful ingredients.

Fact: vaccines contain ingredients that are in a specific range of quantity. The basic role of the vaccine is to train our immune system to fight the virus. When a person gets a shot of the vaccine, their body is injected with a pseudovirus that teaches the immune system how to fight the virus. For this purpose, often vaccines contain ingredients that might sound harmful because we see the existence of such ingredients on objects that are not safe for consumption. For example, Thimerosal, Formaldehyde, etc. these chemicals sound dangerous for the human body, however, they are well tested before releasing the vaccine as “safe” for the public.


Myth: Once I receive the vaccine, I will test positive for COVID-19.

Fact: no evidence shows that the tests could be positive after the vaccination. The samples that are used for the procedure of the tests are collected from the nose and throat swabs. This means that the virus must be present there before the vaccination was received or before it could work on you.

Myth: Once I receive the COVID-19 vaccine, I no longer need to wear a mask.

Fact: Scientists are examining the post effects of the COVID-19 vaccines. Each passing day, new research comes forward and guidelines regarding the same are issued by the CDC. Following are the recent guidelines issued regarding COVID-19:

People who have received the complete dose of the COVID-19 vaccine and a period of a minimum of 2 weeks have passed regarding the same without any signs and symptoms of COVID-19 can socialize with vaccinated as well non-vaccinated people without masks. However, they should try to maintain 6 feet distance while socializing indoors.

They should take care that they avoid meeting people who are prone to catching the virus such as children, old age people, people with health issues, and pregnant women as the immune system of such people is already compromised.

Relief for people who have the complete dose of the COVID-19 vaccine is that they do not have to undergo SARS-CoV-2 if they do not show any symptoms even if they are exposed to the patients of COVID-19.

The vaccination (even though it is safe) is yet in the trial phase. For now, it is necessary to follow the guidelines introduced for COVID-19.

Myth: The COVID-19 vaccine has severe side effects such as allergic reactions.

Fact: each body reacts differently to the vaccine. There are chances of people having side effects or allergic reactions to the vaccine if they had a history of severe allergies or anaphylaxis to the ingredients of the vaccine. For others, it is safe, yet optional to get the shot for now.

Myth: The COVID-19 vaccine will alter my DNA.

Fact: there are no DNA altering agents in the vaccination. The vaccine spiked protein levels of the new coronavirus cells through RNA. The body reacts to this by fighting against it by building antibodies and in the process learns how to fight the virus. It never reaches the DNA part, rather it is flushed out of the system once its job is done.

Myth: The COVID-19 vaccine is unsafe because it was developed so quickly.

Fact: even though the vaccines were developed in minimal time, they took, as much time it required to be “safe” for use. However, to meet the timelines to their earliest, they were rigorously tested by the Food and Drug Administration. However, with the increased number of people opting in for the vaccine, there are new results that are found every next day which help in the betterment of the dose.

Myth: I have already been diagnosed with COVID-19, so I do not need to receive the vaccine.

Fact: the term used for such immunization is “natural immunization”. It varies from person to person. No studies have proved that one can get 100% immune to the disease after already been diagnosed.

The phase 3 trials of the COVID-19 vaccines are yet to come out to be safe for everyone. While the health workers were the first ones to receive the vaccine, it is available for the public to get the vaccination. However, it is voluntary to get the shot.